
1. Can I put/these empty plastic bottles/in here? 空のペットボトルをここに入れていい?

a) Can I put/these empty plastic bottles/ in here?
b) No, put them over there.               ダメ、あっちに置いて

2. Is it OK/ to touch them? それに、触っていい?

a) Is it OK/ to touch them?
b) It's OK,/ but touch them gently.         OKだけど、優しく触ってね。

3. At which station/ should I get off? どの駅で降りたらいい?

a) At which station/ should I get off?
b) At 白木原 station. That's 8 stops from 天神. 白木原で降りたらいいよ。天神から8つ目だよ

4. We're getting off/ at the next station. 次の駅で降りるよ。

a) Haven't we got/ to 白木原 station yet?     まだ、白木原に着かないの?
b) We're getting off/ at the next station.

5. Can you show me/how to get there? そこへの行き方を、教えてくれますか?

a) Can you show me/how to get there?
b) Sure. I'll draw a clear map/for you.   分かりやすい地図を描いてあげますね。
2021.06.06 17:10 | 固定リンク | 未分類 | コメント (0)

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