
1. Why don't you come to my place? 良かったら、うちに来ない?

a) We'll be having 焼鳥 party. Why don't you come to my place?焼鳥パーティーするの

b) I'd love to!!                        ぜひ!!

2. Would you like one of these?

a) Would you like one of these? 1つ、いかが?

b) It looks delicious. Thanks. おいしそうだね。

3. Hey, 百恵! Get in the picture with us !

a) Hey, 百恵! Get in the picture with us ! 百恵、写真に入って~

b) O K! I'm coming. 今行くわ。

4. How high is the ceiling? 「high→山とか、高い位置(天井等)にあるものに使う。

a) How high is the ceiling? 天井の高さはでれくらい?

b) It's almost 2.5m. 2.5m くらいです。

5. How tall is that building? (tall →地面からの高さ、背丈、木、建物等の高さに使う)

a) How tall is that building? あのビルの高さはどれくらい?

b) I'd say, about 15 meters. 15mくらいかな~。
2024.01.20 09:14 | 固定リンク | 未分類

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