
1. That's why/ I quit the company. だから会社を辞めたんだ

a) Are you planning/ to study abroad?      留学する予定なの?
b) Yes. That's why/ I quit the company.

2. It's such a beautiful day/ to go driving. ドライブするには、すばらしい日だね~

a) It's such a beautiful day/ to go driving.
b) Year, why don't you go to Mt.阿蘇?      そうね、阿蘇に行ってみない?

3. I didn't know/what to say. なんて言ったらいいのか、わからなかったの。

a) Why did you go home/ without saying anything?   何で、何も言わずに帰ったの?
b) I didn't know/what to say.

4. Do you have a stapler/ I can borrow? ホッチキス 貸してもらえる?

a) Do you have a stapler/ I can borrow?
b) Of course. Here you are.            もちろん、はいどうぞ。

5. Why don't you/go out for lunch? ランチに行かない?

a) Why don't you/go out for lunch?
b) Sure,/ but I have to drop in/ convenience store. Is that O K?
2021.06.01 09:52 | 固定リンク | 未分類 | コメント (0)

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