1. You'd better hurry,/ or you'll miss the last train. 急がないと終電に乗り遅れるよ
a) What time is it now? 今、何時?
b) It's 11:50. You'd better hurry,/or you'll miss the last train. 11時50分だよ。
2. It's his fault,/ not mine. 彼のせいだよ、僕じゃないよ。
a) Who broke the glass cup? 誰が、ガラスのコップ割ったの?
b) It's his fault,/ not mine.
3. Are you an interpreter/or something? あなたは、通訳か何かですか?」
a) Are you an interpreter/or something?
b) No, I'm an overseas tour guide. いいえ、海外旅行の添乗員です。
4. What's wrong with me? 僕の何がいけないんだい?
a) What's wrong with me?
b) You are so bossy, selfish and... 横柄で、自己中で....
a) OK,OK, but I've changed a lot. 分かった、分かった、でも僕は大分変ったよ。
5. Are you two a thing? あなたたちは、そういった中なの?
a) Are you two a thing?
b) No, we are just friends. ただの友達だよ。
1. You'd better hurry,/ or you'll miss the last train. 急がないと終電に乗り遅れるよ
a) What time is it now? 今、何時?
b) It's 11:50. You'd better hurry,/or you'll miss the last train. 11時50分だよ。
2. It's his fault,/ not mine. 彼のせいだよ、僕じゃないよ。
a) Who broke the glass cup? 誰が、ガラスのコップ割ったの?
b) It's his fault,/ not mine.
3. Are you an interpreter/or something? あなたは、通訳か何かですか?」
a) Are you an interpreter/or something?
b) No, I'm an overseas tour guide. いいえ、海外旅行の添乗員です。
4. What's wrong with me? 僕の何がいけないんだい?
a) What's wrong with me?
b) You are so bossy, selfish and... 横柄で、自己中で....
a) OK,OK, but I've changed a lot. 分かった、分かった、でも僕は大分変ったよ。
5. Are you two a thing? あなたたちは、そういった中なの?
a) Are you two a thing?
b) No, we are just friends. ただの友達だよ。