
1. I bought you a little something. I hope you like it.

a) I bought you a little something. I hope you like it.
b) Oh, thank you. What's inside?         ありがとう。何が入ってるの?

2. Is it O.K/ to join your party? あなたのパーティーに来ていい?

a) Is it O.K/ to join your party?
b) Sure. You are most welcome.         もちろん。大歓迎よ。

3. Do you mind/ if I sit here? ここに座っても構いませんか?

a) Do you mind/ if I sit here?
b) No, not at all. Go ahead.           いいですよ。どうぞ。

4. I wonder/ what they are. あれ何かな~

a) I wonder/ what they are.
b) They are 梅が枝餅, a kind of sweet dumpling. 梅が枝餅、甘い団子の一種だよ。

5. It sounds very exciting. ワクワクするね。

a) How do you like the Japanese martial arts?  日本の武道はどう?
b) It sounds very exciting.
2021.09.29 11:29 | 固定リンク | 未分類 | コメント (0)

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