
1. Are you listening to me, Ken? Ken , 聞いてる?

a) Are you listening to me, Ken?
b) Yes, Ma'am,/but I'm so sleepy,/because I studied English/till late at night.

2. Don't get me wrong. 悪く取らないでくれ(誤解しないでくれ。

a) Who is the girl/you were walking with yesterday? 昨日一緒に歩いてた女は誰なの?
b) Don't get me wrong. She is an assistant/of my company.会社のアシスタントの子だよ。

3. I don't want to trouble you. ご迷惑をお掛けしたくありません。

a) I can take you to 博多座.             博多座に連れていってあげるよ。」
b) Thank you but I don't want to trouble you.  有難う。でも....
a) No worries. I'm free this afternoon.      心配しないで、午後暇だから。

4. Thanks for coming/all this way to my house. わざわざ家に来ていただいて、有難う..

a) Thanks for coming/all this way to my house.
b) It was no trouble. What a nice rose garden!いいえ何でもないです。何て素敵なバラ園...

5. Can you keep me company? 私のそばにいてくれる?

a) Can you keep me company?
b) I'll be with you forever!           君のそばにずっといるよ!
2020.07.16 14:00 | 固定リンク | 未分類 | コメント (0)

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