
1. If I were you....

a) I have a hangover & a headache. 二日酔いで、頭が痛いんだ。

b) If I were you, / I'd drink a lot of water. 私だったら、沢山水飲むけどね。

2. Shall I get it for you? 私が、買ってこようか?

a) Where can I get some water? 水はどこで売ってる?

b) Shall I get it for you?

3. Could you tell me/ where the men's room is? 男性用トイレはどこですか?

a) Could you tell me/ where the men's room is?

b) It's just over there. あそこだよ。

4. Which line should I take/ to go there? そこには、どの路線で行ったらいい?

a) Which line should I take/ to go there?

b) It should be number 2. 2番線のはずだよ。

5. Do you have any plans/for this weekend? 週末の予定は、何かある?

a) Do you have any plans/for this weekend?

b) Yes, I'm going on a date/with my girlfriend. 彼女とデートするんだ。
2023.10.10 09:37 | 固定リンク | 未分類

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