1. Calm down! 落ち着いて!
a) My husband is quitting his job. What should I do? 主人が仕事やめるの。どうしよう?
b) Calm down!
2. I wish I could stay longer. もうちょっといたいんだけど....
a) Are you leaving tomorrow? 明日、もう帰っちゃうの?
b) I wish I could stay longer.
3. I've heard so much/about you. お噂は、かねがね伺っております。
a) I've heard so much/about you.
b) All good things,/I hope. いい事ばかりだといいんですが。
4. You came to the right place. うってつけの場所にきたね。
a) Do you know a good coffee shop? いいコーヒー店しってる?
b) You came to the right place. It's just 2 blocks from here. 2ブロック先だよ。
5. I found it by chance in 天神. 天神で偶然見つけたんだ。
a) Where did you find it? どこでそれを、みつけたの?
b) I found it by chance in 天神.
( I found it in 天神 by chance)
1. Calm down! 落ち着いて!
a) My husband is quitting his job. What should I do? 主人が仕事やめるの。どうしよう?
b) Calm down!
2. I wish I could stay longer. もうちょっといたいんだけど....
a) Are you leaving tomorrow? 明日、もう帰っちゃうの?
b) I wish I could stay longer.
3. I've heard so much/about you. お噂は、かねがね伺っております。
a) I've heard so much/about you.
b) All good things,/I hope. いい事ばかりだといいんですが。
4. You came to the right place. うってつけの場所にきたね。
a) Do you know a good coffee shop? いいコーヒー店しってる?
b) You came to the right place. It's just 2 blocks from here. 2ブロック先だよ。
5. I found it by chance in 天神. 天神で偶然見つけたんだ。
a) Where did you find it? どこでそれを、みつけたの?
b) I found it by chance in 天神.
( I found it in 天神 by chance)