1. What took you so long? なんでそんなに時間かかるんだい?
a) What took you so long?
b) Women take a long time/to put on makeup. 女性は、化粧に時間がかかるのよ。
2. Anywhere is fine. どこでもいいよ。
a) Where would you like to go? どこにいきたい?
b) Anywhere is fine.
3. Either way is fine. どっちの方法でも構わない。
a) Which way is better,/ A or B? A と B, どっちのやり方がいい?
b) Either way is fine.
4. Who is your favorite baseball player? 野球選手で、誰が一番好き?
a) Who is your favorite baseball player?
b) 大谷将平 from Angels. He is awesome ! エンジェルスの大谷選手。彼は、すごいよ!!
5. It's my favorite ! 僕の大好物だよ。
a) I'm cooking beef stroganoff. ビーフストロガノフを作ってるのよ。
b) It's my favorite !
1. What took you so long? なんでそんなに時間かかるんだい?
a) What took you so long?
b) Women take a long time/to put on makeup. 女性は、化粧に時間がかかるのよ。
2. Anywhere is fine. どこでもいいよ。
a) Where would you like to go? どこにいきたい?
b) Anywhere is fine.
3. Either way is fine. どっちの方法でも構わない。
a) Which way is better,/ A or B? A と B, どっちのやり方がいい?
b) Either way is fine.
4. Who is your favorite baseball player? 野球選手で、誰が一番好き?
a) Who is your favorite baseball player?
b) 大谷将平 from Angels. He is awesome ! エンジェルスの大谷選手。彼は、すごいよ!!
5. It's my favorite ! 僕の大好物だよ。
a) I'm cooking beef stroganoff. ビーフストロガノフを作ってるのよ。
b) It's my favorite !