1. Is this your first time/ to have "豚骨ラーメン"? 豚骨ラーメン食べるのは始めて?
a) Is this your first time/ to have "豚骨ラーメン"?
b) No, this is the 3rd time. It's my favorite. いいえ、3度めよ。大好物なの。
2. Would you like/to try it? やってみる?
a) Her belly dance is amazing! 彼女のベリーダンスは凄い!
b) Would you like/to try it?
a) No, that's all right. いや、遠慮しときます。
3. Just relax/ and have some fun. リラックスして、楽しむのよ。
a) Yoga seems to be difficult. ヨガって難しそう。
b) Don't worry. Just relax/and have some fun. 心配しないで。
4. No shoes/ from this point! ここから先は土足禁止です!
a) No shoes/ from this point.
b) Should I take off/ my shoes? 靴を脱がなきゃいけないの?
a) Yes. please. はい。お願いします。
5. Something smells very good. すごくいい匂いがするね。
a) Something smells very good.
b) I'm making/ my special cuisine. 私の特製料理を作ってるの。
1. Is this your first time/ to have "豚骨ラーメン"? 豚骨ラーメン食べるのは始めて?
a) Is this your first time/ to have "豚骨ラーメン"?
b) No, this is the 3rd time. It's my favorite. いいえ、3度めよ。大好物なの。
2. Would you like/to try it? やってみる?
a) Her belly dance is amazing! 彼女のベリーダンスは凄い!
b) Would you like/to try it?
a) No, that's all right. いや、遠慮しときます。
3. Just relax/ and have some fun. リラックスして、楽しむのよ。
a) Yoga seems to be difficult. ヨガって難しそう。
b) Don't worry. Just relax/and have some fun. 心配しないで。
4. No shoes/ from this point! ここから先は土足禁止です!
a) No shoes/ from this point.
b) Should I take off/ my shoes? 靴を脱がなきゃいけないの?
a) Yes. please. はい。お願いします。
5. Something smells very good. すごくいい匂いがするね。
a) Something smells very good.
b) I'm making/ my special cuisine. 私の特製料理を作ってるの。