9月入学案 1-2 R2.5.18
                 9月入学案 1-2

4) The educational gap/ cannot be solved/
緊急事態と言う感情論では、教育格差は解消出来ない ( solve → 解決する be solved→受身)

by the emotional theory/ of the emergency.
  ( emotional → 感情的な、感情の  theory → 理論、説、 of → ~という→同格関係)

5) Since the start/ of the school holidays in March /

the learning gap among students/ has begun.  ( among → ~の間の)

And/ in the last 2 and half months,/ there has been/ a tremendous gap.
   ( tremendous → 凄まじい、物凄い)

6) Private prep schools/ have been giving/ students assignments/
   ( prep school → 進学校 prep → preparatory. assignment → 課題、割り当て)

and letting students submit/ since the early March.
    提出させている   ( submit → 提出する. let A(students) do → Aに~させる)

In other words,/learning is progressing/ at the same speed/ as regular time.

  ( in other words → 言い換えると. progress → 進行する.
( the same A as B → Bto同様のA)

                             ( to be continued )
2020.05.18 10:18 | 固定リンク | 未分類 | コメント (0)

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