最悪の花見シーズン R2.3/末
1. It's now 花見 season. 今、花見シーズンです。
2. 花見 is translated/ as " Cherry blossom viewing "
花見は、Cherry blossom viewing と訳されます。 (be translated as A) → A と訳される
3. We love cherry blossom/ very much.
4. When the cherry blossoms are/ in full bloom,/ we've always had picnic/
under the trees,/ where we eat,/ drink,/ sing a song/ and some of us/
enjoy barbeque. (be in full bloom) → 満開である where 関係副詞 そこでと訳す
5. However,/ this year's cherry blossom viewing/ has changed completely/
because of the coronavirus.
(has changed completely)→一変した (because of A) →Aのせいで
( to be continued )
1. It's now 花見 season. 今、花見シーズンです。
2. 花見 is translated/ as " Cherry blossom viewing "
花見は、Cherry blossom viewing と訳されます。 (be translated as A) → A と訳される
3. We love cherry blossom/ very much.
4. When the cherry blossoms are/ in full bloom,/ we've always had picnic/
under the trees,/ where we eat,/ drink,/ sing a song/ and some of us/
enjoy barbeque. (be in full bloom) → 満開である where 関係副詞 そこでと訳す
5. However,/ this year's cherry blossom viewing/ has changed completely/
because of the coronavirus.
(has changed completely)→一変した (because of A) →Aのせいで
( to be continued )